JITF 2024
JITF 2024
Visitor Statistics
- 59,300+ Visitors (from all over Sri Lanka) had visited the fair during the 3 days
- Total of 9,000+ delegates were also specially invited to the show
- Parallel Investor’s Forum / Training Program sessions
Exhibitors Statistics
- 300 Stalls
- Over 150+ Companies had taken part
- Over 1500 participants at seminar / training program sessions
The event showcased the latest technology developments in all sectors. It also brought together technology, suppliers, entrepreneurs and support services on a single platform.
Construction | 6,872.00 |
Students / Parents | 9,121.00 |
Fisheries | 5,096.00 |
Hospitality & Leisure | 6,330.00 |
Automobile | 7,300.00 |
Financial Sector | 5,832.00 |
Invited Delegates | 9,000.00 |
General Trade Visitors | 9,749.00 |
Total Visitors | 59,300.00 |
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